Make your own design set!

The same as us, people, are different with various wishes, your space is individuality also. That's the reason why we are offering to make an interior design project of the components your space needs from any parts we offer


You can choose only a 3D visualisations of your future interior - an images similar to photos in a size of your space. You can move a furniture, color the walls and chose the materials before you really had started a renovation! The price is not counted for square meters (don't forget - your design is an individuality!). Aspects that really matters - complexity of space, style, meaning of the space. Also, you will get a short description of all textures and materials are used in project for free. The price could be approximately like so:

 Lobby 30 - 90 EUR
 Guestroom 80 - 300 EUR
 Cabinet 60 - 200 EUR
 Kitchen 80 - 300 EUR
 Kid's room
 70 - 200 EUR
 Sanitary ware
 30 - 100 EUR

A technical drawings of furniture

Probably you want to offer a built-in wardrobe, a shelf or some other kind of furniture from woodworker, but want to plan a layout before you had offer it. We can help to make a technical drawings of furniture with dimensions and 3D visualisations how it will be look like in real life

The price could be approximately 20 - 60 EUR for peace

Try on the materials

Might be that you just don't know how to paint your walls or what laminate should chose for already existing interior. We can help to try them on! You will see how the different materials looks in your interior. All you will able to do - go to the shop and take the materials you already had chosen!

Approximate price - 30 - 70 EUR per space